The Privileged Life: Finding Hope in an Empty Easter Egg

“Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him, knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, dies no more. Death no longer has dominion over Him.” (Romans 6:8-9)

For Christians, Easter Sunday is a noisy holiday. As it should be.

We gather together in crowded churches, blasting out the trumpets, singing hallelujahs, and loudly proclaiming that “Christ the Lord is risen today!” Children shriek and giggle at Easter egg hunts. Families and friends gather for laughter and fellowship at tables laden with ham, deviled eggs, and jellybean-topped cupcakes.

Easter is the highest, holiest, happiest day each year with Christ. It’s a glorious time to praise the God who gave His only Son to save us from our sins so we could live with Him in heaven. We should all be shouting the good news from our housetops!

Unless…you’re not in the mood for a celebration.

Maybe your circumstances are difficult right now. You’re out of work. Or, you’re single, lonesome, and want to find your future spouse. Maybe you’ve just been given a difficult diagnosis or you’ve lost a loved one. 

Whatever your situation, your well of merriment is empty. While everyone else joins in the joyful chorus around you, your voice is silent.

Holidays can be difficult when painful memories, shortcomings, and losses surround you. I can identify with what you’re experiencing. I’ve been there before.

While no superficial sentiments can erase your problems, may I offer you a glimmer of hope? A message of encouragement in this season of emptiness for you?

Look at some special Easter eggs with me….

My homemade set of “Resurrection Eggs”

If you’ve ever picked up a dozen “Resurrection Eggs,” you know how they tell the Easter week story for children.* The little two-piece plastic eggs are filled with symbolic items, beginning with a palm branch for Palm Sunday. The eggs progress with a tiny cup and cracker for the Last Supper, dimes to represent the betrayal payment given to Judas, three feathers for Peter’s denials, a “crown” of thorns, a small cross, three nails, and so forth.

The 10th egg contains a smooth, round, flat rock—to imitate the one rolled across the doorway to Jesus’ tomb. And the 11th one has spices for the women’s early morning trek to prepare Christ’s body for a proper burial.

When I’ve opened the eggs one by one in front of children, the suspense builds up to the very last egg. In my set, it’s completely different from the others. It’s golden.

I’ll shake it, but there’s no sound. As I open this shining egg, the children’s reaction is often the same. Their mouths drop open…because it’s empty. 

That’s when I get to tell them that it represents the empty tomb. Jesus isn’t there. He rose from the dead. He’s alive!

Let that sink into your soul. Jesus is alive. He is risen, just as He said. 

The empty egg reveals a glorious truth: the very Son of God has defeated death. His power is beyond comprehension. His love is beyond measure because He offers the same privilege to us…life in heaven.

Friend, could this empty egg encourage you when you face bitter circumstances? How much strength could it give you as you deal with your problems? Can you place your life in the hands of a God who is powerful enough to raise the dead? Will you trust the empty tomb?

If everything around you falls apart this week, cling to this shining message—Jesus loved you enough to die for you, and He loves you enough to call you out of death to live eternally with Him. The grave has no victory over you, and death holds no sting. Jesus is with you because He is no longer in the tomb.

Maybe you can’t raise your voice in jubilation this Easter, but you can still whisper a quiet hallelujah to Jesus. Let your heart rest in the assurance that the Savior of the world hears your voice. You are not alone. Jesus is with you always. He is risen, just as He said.

Hallelujah, O Christ! May Your name be praised today and every day. How I bless You for Your victory over death. I lay my heart and my longings in Your trustworthy hands. You are sovereign over everything in my life, and I ask for strength in Your healing presence. Please walk beside me, and restore my hope. In Your name, Jesus, Amen. 

Nancy C. Williams is a Christian wife/mom with a writing career spanning more than 40 years in business and journalism. Williams is the author of the novel To Love a Falcon and the devotional book A Crocus in the Desert: Devotions, Stories, and Prayers for Women Experiencing Infertility. Her weekly blogs are featured on To follow Nancy’s posts and news, go to her home page at and subscribe at the bottom. 

© Copyright 2024 Nancy C. Williams, Lightbourne Creative (text and photography) Unless otherwise noted, Scripture verses are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. #Eastereggs #happyEaster #resurrectioneggs #emptytomb #egghunt #Easterlesson #Easterstory #emptyegg #holyweekstory #hallelujah

*If you’d like to make your own set of Resurrection Eggs, here are some suggestions I’ve put together in two pages, free-to-print and free-to-share (with credit). You can use life-size plastic eggs in a regular egg carton, or purchase giant eggs pictured here (from Walmart). Have fun! Happy Easter!

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