The Privileged Life: Apples

IMG_8828 2“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” Proverbs 25:11

If the forbidden fruit that Eve and Adam tasted was an apple, I can see why they fell for it…apples are wonderfully “good for food” and “pleasant to the eye.” They offer great health benefits and are even beneficial for cleaning teeth.

Our mountain landscape in east Tennessee and western North Carolina is dotted with apple orchards, and with picking season upon us, you can indulge in this delightful crop at farmers’ markets all over the place. We even have an entire festival devoted to apples in Erwin, Tennessee, every first weekend in October.

As I make yet another apple pie, I’m grateful to catch a glimpse of God’s goodness in giving us something to eat that’s healthy, tasty, and beautiful, too. If you slice an apple horizontally, the seeds form a star pattern—a lovely reminder of the star that heralded the birth of Christ.

Next month, we’re planting three apple trees in our yard…so maybe in a few years from now, I’ll post a blog about pick-your-own apples. In the meantime, I hope you get to enjoy the crisp crunch of a newly picked apple. Make it your fast-food choice today!

Gracious God, thank You for beautiful fruits like apples that You have given us to enjoy. Fill us with the fruits of Your Holy Spirit, too, that we may be more fruitful for you. You have described Your people in Scripture as the “apple of Your eye,” a valuable, precious possession—thank You for loving us that much. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Below: An ancient apple tree on Roan Mountain


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